Agro farming
Spell Love to Your Soil ‘M-u-l-c-h-i-n-g’
How do you express affection and care for your soil? There are myriads of love languages of soil but the one that stands out among them is mulching. Mulching refers to the process of topping the surface of the soil with various materials such as straw, compost, leaves, grasses, crop residues, plastic sheets, etc. The...
The Science of Panchagavya
The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have escalated beyond safety level in modern industrial farming, posing threat to both the environment and mortal beings. While these agricultural chemical pollutants are degrading soil, air, water, etc. on one hand, living organisms are being exposed to various health hazards on the other. In such aggravating condition,...
Agro farming
Potato Seed Production
Potato is the fourth most staple food crop. It has highest productivity among all staple food crops. In case of high hills i.e. above 2000 masl its significance highly increases as commercial cultivation of other food crops is rarely possible. Further, the quality seed is one of the most important concerns for commercial cultivation of potato.
Health Benefits of a Raw Food
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Superfoods you should be eating
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Fresh Organic Mustard Leaves
Nullam lobortis nunc semper ipsum luctus ut viverra ante eleifend. Nunc pretium velit sed augue luctus accumsan. Aliquam laoreet consequat malesuada. Integer vitae diam sed dolor euismod laoreet eget ac felis. Donec non erat sed elit bibendum sodales. Donec eu cursus velit. Proin nunc lacus, gravida mollis dictum ut, vulputate eu turpis. Sed felis sapien, commodo in iaculis in, feugiat sed enim. Sed nunc ipsum, fermentum varius dignissim vitae, blandit et ante.Maecenas sagittis, lorem sed congue egestas, lectus purus congue…
Organic Green Bell Pepper
Quisque nisl lectus, accumsan et euismod eu, sollicitudin ac augue. In sit amet urna magna. Curabitur imperdiet urna nec purus egestas eget aliquet purus iaculis. Nunc porttitor blandit imperdiet. Nulla facilisi. Cras odio ipsum, vehicula nec vehicula sed, convallis scelerisque quam. Phasellus ut odio dui, ut fermentum neque.
Native Organic Carrot
Nullam commodo lobortis nibh, vitae accumsan velit dapibus sed. Nunc ac sem eu libero pretium faucib. Quisque et semper odio. Praesent tortor ligula, imperdiet sed aliquet ut, pharetra at nisi. Etiam sit amet molestie est. Donec id turpis vitae leo viverra adipiscing at sed nisi. Donec ut justo nunc. Vivamu bibendum erat ac nunc sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus sed lacus magna.
DIET Farm Design
Washed Sugar Snap Peas
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Organic Grape Tomatoes
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